Sunshine Coast, QLD

How much can you rent your property for?

Thinking Of Changing Property Management?

Thinking of changing your investment property management? The good news is changing to Anderson-Stevens Property is real easy.

If you are thinking of changing your property management company, the process is easier than you think. All you need to do is contact the team at Anderson-Stevens Property and we can take care of everything for you.

Our office can arrange the transfer of management of your investment property or properties even if there is a fixed term tenancy in place. There are no costs and your current agent can’t apply penalties unless you agreed to these in your management agreement. We can help advise you.

All you need to do is inform us that you would like us to takeover the management of your portfolio and sign an Authority to act (Form 6). We then complete the following steps:

  1. We provide you with a template letter to notify your existing property management agency with your intention to terminate your agreement. Typically your notice period will be 30 days.
  2. We will arrange for all the relevant paperwork and keys to be collected from your previous agent and notify relevant authorities of changes.
  3. We will contact your tenants and reassure them there will be little disruption, arrange a meet and greet and property inspection.

"With Anderson-Stevens Property, life was meant to be easy"


How much can you rent your property for?

Fill in the form below and we will contact you with information about:

  • Current market trends and conditions
  • What similar properties are being rented for
  • Information about our property management services